
Phone Rings

Installation with Sound 2005:
Phone Rings was part of the 2005-degree show at IPS Bournville, and was exhibited at the Midwest 2005 Graduate Showcase. Produced as part of my final year work, the installation explores fragmented narratives, and the power of assumption, blurring the boundaries between the real and the imaginary. In a faint pool of light a phone receiver is left of the hook, and the low hum of a dial tone plays out, broken by occasional interference. Simulating an inhabited space, using familiar props and sounds, the work invites viewers to articulate their spatial awareness, and explore the suspended narrative within the work. Investigating the intensity that sound brings to a visual dimension; the audio incorporated in the work explores the gap between what we see and what we hear. Working with constructed space, and manufactured noises; the installation piece, is a constructed space, presented as a real space. Placing the work within a wider context, it addresses issues concerning social security, psychological condition, global communication, and the perception and reception of information.